Our Perspective

Invest in the technology. Begin trials on multiple different solutions to ensure you have the correct method of operations ready for your organisation within the next 5 years. Reduce risk of buying into one technology that may have greater impacts on your organisations operation than initially thought.


The heavy machinery sector is known for its indispensable role in construction, mining, agriculture, and logistics. However, it's also responsible for significant carbon emissions due to its reliance on fossil fuels (up to 40%) of total CO2 emissions in 2019.

The imperative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has prompted many heavy machinery industries to embrace decarbonization. Many of our customers have started turning to Alta and the Huashi group for solutions in decarbonising their fleet.

Here’s some of our key findings, experiences, and beliefs.

The Drive

The need for decarbonisation in heavy machinery arises from a combination of environmental concerns, regulatory pressures, and economic incentives. The primary reasons for transitioning to cleaner machinery include:

Emission Reduction Targets

Governments worldwide are imposing stricter emissions standards, compelling manufacturers to produce cleaner equipment or face fines (but nothing that is currently deemed unacceptable or compelling enough from a pure financial perspective)

End-user Market Demand

The final purchaser of the service is becoming more and more environmentally responsible and conscious. Especially with Scope 3 emissions being taken into account, the chosen supplier or partner to many of these heavy machinery operators becomes important.

Cost Savings

Adopting greener technologies can lead to lower fuel and maintenance costs over time, providing a financial edge. Projected over a long term, there is little doubt that electrification will lead to lowered long-term running costs.

Better Funding and Investor confidence

Being and early adopter has proven to have its benefits both with gaining grants and funding from different levels of government and also private sector. From our experiences we have heard better company borrowing rates being returned as the top end of these benefits. With the flip side of inaction leading to concerns from investors.


Electrification: Electric excavators, bulldozers, locomotives, and trucks are emerging as eco-friendly alternatives to their diesel counterparts. The initial investment in EVs is often offset by lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact.

Hybrid: Hybrid machinery combines smaller traditional combustion engines with electric power, improving fuel efficiency and reducing emissions.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells: Some heavy machinery is now powered by hydrogen fuel cells, offering zero-emission operation and quick refuelling. However, it is our opinion to continue to let this technology play out.

Regeneration Technology: We believe in simplicity and plug-and-play technology. With low modification to your assets and reduced downtime. Regeneration technology is basically a mild-hybrid that captures downhill or braking energy to be released back during traction power.


Initial Investment: Transitioning to cleaner technologies can be capital-intensive, but it's often justified by long-term savings, especially in fuel and maintenance costs.

Regulatory Compliance: Conducting modifications, rebuilds or procurement of brand new asset types may impact on current regulatory understanding.

Operational Impacts: Cleaner machines often offer improved performance, reducing operational costs and downtime.

Infrastructure: The ability to connect to large quantities of power at certain sites, the civil and certification works associated with preparing the site and

Battery Technology: The weight and capacity of batteries can affect the feasibility of electric heavy machinery for certain applications. But we strongly believe, and hear from our suppliers that the current technology is expected to double in density (and hence cost) at minimum every 5 years.


The economics of decarbonization in heavy machinery are complex, but the advantages are evident. Reduced emissions, lower operating costs, and improved market competitiveness make a strong case for transitioning to cleaner technologies. The heavy machinery sector must adapt to evolving environmental regulations and changing market demands to stay relevant and sustainable.

Ultimately, the best way to invest and adapt to this changing environment and technology is to conduct multiple trials early. Perfect your operation method for the next wave of changes.